Bonus videos from Season 3 – Episode 11 – The Music Box

Bonus clip #1 (above): Tom explains how his protection ceremony protects the crew and their equipment from danger, before the paranormal investigation at the Galt Museum in Lethbridge, Alberta.

Bonus clip #2: Belinda talks about the paranormal experiences she has had in her office in the Galt Museum (which used to be an operating room).

Bonus clip #3: The Xcam SLS (Structured Light Sensor) camera captures a presence crouching behind Belinda.

Bonus clip #4: The team uses the Xcam SLS (Structured Light Sensor) camera to check another room in the Galt Museum, one in which apparitions of children have been seen.

Bonus clip #5: Team members Jeff Richards and Michaella Shannon apologize for opening the door to the negative entity with history with the show that makes an appearance during this week’s paranormal investigation at the Galt Museum.

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