While the event is still fresh in your mind you should document as much information about it as you can. If you didn’t have a camera or voice recorder to record the event, grab a notepad or any piece of paper and start writing. Here are some things you need to think of when recording your ghost sighting.
Note the date, time, and place of the event. Record the building name/address and the room you were in. Were you in the basement, kitchen, or on the third floor? Were you outside? Draw out the room or area showing where you were and where you saw it. Note the geographic direction, which way was north?
Even if you were indoors, note the environment. Was the heat or air-conditioning on? Was it sunny, cloudy, or overcast? Was it humid, raining, or snowing? What were the lighting conditions? Was it bright or were the lights on? Was it dark or was the moon out?
Write as much detail as you can about the visual details of the spirit. What size, shape, or colour was it? Could you tell if it was a male or female? Did it move? Did you hear it speak or make any kind of noise? Was it aware of you or just seem to be going through the motions?
Sometimes an event is felt more than seen. Did you smell or hear something? What did it smell like? If you heard something could you make out what it was saying? Did you get a chill down your back or did the hairs stand up on your neck or arms? How did it make you feel? Did you feel threatened in any way or was it more of a comforting feeling?
If, on the off chance, you were attacked in any way, take pictures of the physical manifestation of the attack. Describe the attack in detail and what you may have seen or sensed during it. What were you doing or saying before it happened?
It can be difficult to get physical evidence after the fact but try and take pictures of the area. This may help trigger a memory of what you saw or felt.
Were there other people with you that saw the same thing? Write their names, ages, and addresses down. If you know where they were during the event, indicate their placement on your diagram. Have them write their own experience down just as you are doing. Do not talk or consult each other while you write your stories, you want to make sure you get each story from each person’s unbiased perspective.
Once you have written all your notes, write a narrative of the event just as it happened. Write it like you would relate it to a friend. Don’t exaggerate, assume, or add things to the story to make it more interesting. Stick to the facts.
These paranormal investigation tips and tricks provided by Joanne Schiavoni, Paranormal Research & Investigation Society of Manitoba (P.R.I.S.M.)