Duck Lake – Director’s Notes from Rob King – Season 1 – Episodes 8 & 9

—–Original Message—–

From: rob king

Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 3:03 AM

To: Wally Start

Cc: Bob Crowe; Jennifer Podemski; Ell McEachern; Todd Snider

Subject: The End Of Duck Lake


Well gang, Day Three in Duck Lake saw us interviewing various people and our team crawling around in holes in the basement. We concluded with a brief tour of the old cemetery. We went so late the previous two nights that I didn’t get a chance to write. The town is certainly full of history involving armed skirmishes, murder, rebellion and so on. We spent the first two days interviewing locals and crawling around the main floor and in the upper floor. The most intriguing thing that happened was when a screw seemed to fly through the air, from one room, over the heads of our cast in the hallway and into a bathroom.


Jeff also got some impressions before we even got going, including a name that later matched a story the hotel owner told us about—a young man who was killed in a car accident.


Today Wally came to set. As did Tom. Tom poked around and got some impressions that jibed with some experiences Bill and Jeff had. We did a walk and talk with Jeff and Tom, in which they discussed the impressions and experiences and what Jeff and the team should do next–which was to try and deal with as many spirits as possible, but to give each plenty of time and respect.


I also shot a segment where Tom explained a little of his background and approach and philosophy.


We involved Priscilla and Joy (the bar owner) in a ouiji board sort of thing that Jeff ran. Priscilla was skeptical and expressed some doubts, but the event seemed to work and they found themselves communicating with two children (there were two killed in a fire in 1953). Then the team tried contact via Bill’s tools. This did not work very well. The gang decided that the spirits were from days gone by and had consistently avoided contact with modern technology over the two days of night work. They seemed more prone to respond to old time things like the pendulum and the ouiji thing. It was decided there were all sorts of spirits who came and went, with little malice.


So we ended with Joy and the team toasting all of Joy’s patrons–alive or dead.





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