Moosehead & Gladeau – Director’s Notes from Rob King – Season 1 – Episodes 6 & 7

—–Original Message—–

From: rob king

Sent: Monday, September 17, 2012 8:27 PM

To: Wally Start

Cc: Bob Crowe; Jennifer Podemski; Ell McEachern

Subject: Moosehead


Well gang–I always figured before we ever hit the road that we’d have probably half our stories where not much happened. So far we have had incredible luck. The Moosehead has proved otherwise.


We are getting some great visuals–the team talking while driving through the yellow-leafed forest–Priscilla and our occupant walking and talking on a deserted beach. We even got a highlight shot–we found a live salamander on the side of the road and set up two cameras with it in our foreground. We had our van drive through the shot and the salamander took his cue at that exact moment and crawled for us. We have shot lots of spooky, moody things as well.


BUT, after three hours in IR land on the first night, we had not a peep from a spirit. Today we talked to the owner who confirmed he hadn’t really seen or heard anything for ten years. Bill and Jeff went downstairs on their own with a Sony camera at 5pm today and shot a cool little Paranormal Activity looking moment when they heard footsteps, twice.


Tom has dropped off the face of the earth. I trust he will show by tomorrow, at which time I am going to throw him into the night mix and see what happens.




—–Original Message—–

From: rob king

Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 12:42 AM

To: Wally Start

Cc: Bob Crowe; Jennifer Podemski; Ell McEachern

Subject: Moose Head Finale


Well Tom showed up. We shot him arriving. Shot scenes with Jeff and Tom talking about the significance of the pipestone that Tom gave Jeff at Gladeau’s house. Shot Dale (the owner) talking about the photo that has an apparition. We also downloaded that photo. Shot Bill talking about a brick that Dale found in his fireplace in the house once owned by the couple who previously owned the bar. There was a note written on the brick to Ethel (the wife) it was signed by Harold not by Archie (the husband who Dale believes was the ghost). I don’t know if this is our Harold from the WDM but we don’t have a way to investigate this here. Finally the whole team, including Tom, tried a contact session. Tom cautioned them to be humble. No contact was ever made. Incredibly, this was our first bust–but still an interesting location and story. There were some funny moments that will make the cut and alarmingly Tom got ill. But we have put it down to lack of sleep, too many hours on the road and a lot of coffee.


Attached is the paper cut.



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